February 15, 2013

1. I LOVED seeing behind the scenes of this cook book.
2. By the time you read this, I will have eaten 20 of these. Don't judge.
3. This snowball cookies recipe film is the sweetest :)
4. I found this article on skincare & switched my routine up. I'm 100% converted!
5. I'd love this above my bed.
6. I adapted this fish taco recipe last night. Awesome is an understatement!
7. Need reminding about being green? This lovely post will do it.
8. I missed part one so i'm off to check it out, but part two is good...
9. Not just for Valentines, this kids craft is super cute!
10. Pahahaha!

Have a good weekend x


  1. Hiya! I wrote the piece on winterproofing your skin, which you've linked to. I'm so pleased you found it useful.

    Incidentally, I found your link because Soraya Robertson emailed my mum (Verity Laing) to tell her about it. Small world, huh?! :)

    1. OMG! No WAY!
      That has totally freaked me out!! How weird is that, i remember your mum as I was at post-producting at Arena when she was at LP!!
      Well, thanks for the awesome tips & i've been looking round your site lots since, love it!
