Me. I'm still missing from the blogosphere! My insurance company are being a right pain in the backside & seems they need to know everything from my first kiss to my blood group before they will consider the fact that accidents happen. That's why people have insurance you dumbasses.
Anyway, I am going to try & post using this iPad. Soon, soon I really will, because at this rate it will be New Years friggin Eve before I get my beloved Mac back.
Well, 2012 so far? Kiddos are good, but India has given up on sleep. She has been teething like crazy- cutting 4 teeth at a time in batches of red cheeks, snot & mama-hip-sitting. The UK is having some sort of mega freeze which is crap enough, but the fact we're only getting a icing sugar dusting of snow each weekend makes it all feel a bit pointless, and frankly rather fecking annoying!
I'm still gallbladdered to the max. Still no date for my surgery, so I'm still eating nothing but chicken. Oh & salad. Oh & crazy amounts of beetroot, as it keeps attacks at bay. The timing of my 'dust only' diet is really rubbish because I've fallen head over heels with Shutterbean which is a blog by a girl after my own heart, Tracy. She cooks, she's organises like it's an Olympic sport (she will take the gold) and she's a mama & a great photographer too. When I get up & running again, I'm going to do a little blog crushing post on her, as there is so much I want to share with you!
Well, I think that's it, as I can hear 3 kiddos who have all had a little too much indoor time today, so we'd better get out in that -6 weather! Roll on spring, and roll on my MacBook!