December 31, 2012


I can not believe it's NYE! Tomorrow will be 2013, and i'm not ready!! I'm still in my Christmas state of mind and the thought that in two days, normal paced life begins again is really freaking me out! I haven't made a single resolution, so i need to get my thinking cap on with that, and then there's the food to prep for tonight, and the fizz to be popped open - it's going to be a busy but excitable afternoon rounded off with a family game of Monopoly as Dexter got the Bath edition from Santa this year!
So I leave you with some snaps from our quiet little Christmas. I hope you all have a lovely time this evening & i'll see you on the other side...


 We sprinkled our Reindeer dust...
and we left some treats for Santa...
India had no idea what this was for!
 Wow! Look! He came!
The last of the presents...
 Lego, puzzles and Moshi Monsters were the order of this Christmas
I laid the table in silvers & pinks
The joke master
Boxing day supper...
 Elvis, Charlie & Dame Edna!
We visited my in-laws on the south coast
Dexy & Flo got to try out their new metal detectors.
And Indi collected pebbles.
And although it was cold & windy, the sun shone bright. Bliss!


  1. These photos are beautiful! So cute and festive. I love that you guys leave reindeer dust outside, I've never heard of doing that before. Your kids are adorable xo

    1. Aw thank you! We had a lovely Christmas, and Reindeer dust is one of their highlights i think!!

      LIa xx
