March 16, 2013

16.03.13 | LIEBSTER!

Well what do we have here?!
Durrrr - it's a Liebster (i didn't know either)!
Turns out the Liebster is actually a really sweet and very cool idea; it's an award that bloggers give to small blogs that they love! I was given mine by Cori from this little mum, which is a lovely (new to me) blog that I plan on spending a lot of time getting lost in. Thanks Cori!

This is the deal: after i've answered the 11 questions set to me by Cori, I must then think of 11 of my own for 11 blogs that I love to read, thus passing the Liebster award on...

Right then, here I go...

1. Which song would be the soundtrack to your teenage years?
This is so impossible for me to answer. I need at least five! Music was and is so important to me! 
My top five (ok, six) would be:

1. Baby, I love your way by Big Mountain. Summer of being 14 and loving every single moment!

2. Alright by Supergrass. Oh man, i thought i was SO cool smoking a fag & putting it out!

3. Good Enough by Dodgy. Another long summer of pure fun and lots of festivals!

4. Being Around by The Lemonheads. I always played this to cheer things up.

5. Local boy in a photograph by The Stereophonics. Pure 6th Form.

6. Tender by Blur. I was 19 when this came out & it always reminds me of when me & C got together.

2. Tell us about a nickname you once had.
Scarboid MT. This was kindly given to me by one of my besties (Jem) brother Rob. Thanks Rob! I'm not going to tell you what it meant though ;)

3. What is the most inspiring movie you've ever seen?
I'm not a huge movie girl but the movie that inspired me personally was Reality Bites. I wanted desperately to be Lelana Pierce, hence the career choice. That movie was a game changer for me. 

4. Tea or Coffee.
Both! I'm addicted to coffee, but i can't resist a cup of earl grey either.

5. In the film version of your life, who would play you on screen?
I've a bit of a girl crush on Billie Piper. We share a love of scruffy god awful hair. 

6. What one food do you hate / refuse to eat.
I have never and will never eat black pudding. Or haggis. Barf.

7. Name a book you have read more than once.
Anne Tyler - A slipping down life.

8. What skill would you like to have that you don't currently posses?
Food styling.

9. What are you an expert at?
Making tacos. I'm a pretty good tap dancer too though.

10. Other than your home, where is your favourite place in the world.
Big Sur in California. Hands down.

11. What have you done in your life that you are most proud of?
Cliche alert, but Dexter, Florence & India are all pretty lovely achievements

And my award goes to:

I'm only saying what you're thinking
Something I made
Abigail & the future
Preparing for the real world
Oyster & Pearl
Gypsy in Jasper
Tigerlilly Quinn
I'm counting UFO's
On the first day of marriage
More Than Toast
Sarah Dyer

and the questions are:

1. Who has influenced you the most throughout your life?
2. What was the first blog you became addicted to?
3. Favourite day of the week?
4. Hot or cold holidays?
5. Book you're currently reading?
6. Beauty product you can not live without?
7. What's for dinner?
8. Favourite place on the planet?
9. Here's £100 for just YOU. What do you do with it?
10. Favourite toy or book as a child?
11. What's your party trick?

*Guys, don't feel like you have to join in, i know some of you are crazy busy! I've just found it fun and a really good way to find some lovely new blogs :) If you do accept your award, be sure to leave a comment with your answers x


  1. thanks for joining in!! LOVED reading your answers. some of those song choices would be on my teenage soundtrack too. and when can i come over for tacos?? ;)

  2. OOH! Feel like I've got homework to do now! I'm going to endeavour to answer these questions. Thanks for including me x


  4. !
