November 17, 2013

17.11.13 | LATELY

Here's what this past month or so looked like:

We took a trip to the sea life center in Brighton.

We've been getting some awesome sunsets.

And some equally cool cloud patterns (love!)

Halloween came & went in the blink of an eye.

Thanks to Eco Market for the face paints!


I don't really like sparklers. I blame THIS AD.

We went to visit the Dr Who exhibition in Cardiff. It was Dexters birthday treat - he is OBSESSED!

I'm drinking lots of raw smoothies. Top tip is to not use cavolo nero (urgh) - regular kale is tastier in drinking situations. Lesson learnt the hard way!

I made turmeric and honey tea. The people of facebook & instagram did not approve!

These two.

She's a ham!

I over analysed this scene from the Breaking Bad finale. I miss it!

Have a good weekend :)



  1. Mmmmm turmeric and honey tea sounds, err, interesting!! Love the cloud formations - I could lay for hours some days just watching them :)

    1. ha! It wasn't as bad as it sounds, even if I have called it trumeric tea in the original post!

  2. wow that first shot is amazing, looks like you've been having a lovely time! x
