September 12, 2013

12.09.13 | THE SUMMER THAT WAS 2013

Here is what summer 2013 looked like:

The weather wasn't always good, but most of the time it was awesome.

We went strawberry picking, i think she ate a little more than she was suppose to...

We took some long early evening walks. After dinner is the perfect time for a summer stroll.

Dexter continued to work hard on his light sabre skills ;)

We took a trip to the south coast. I like the beach at Littlehampton.

Sand castle flags have not changed a dot since I was little!


We watched lots and lots of yachts go out to sea.

I wished this was someone proposing to someone else but it was just an advert for a film.

I do believe I sat alone, drinking tea whilst browsing the Ikea catalogue for a whole 20 minutes.

Some how I also found the time to do this and instagram it... (!)

We visited a Steam Fair (the rides were the scariest I have ever been on). Chris spotted Ashley Jensen & kept taking pictures of her. Subtle.

Flo discovered scrabble. She's gonna beat me every time in a couple of years, she's so good!

 We visited Brighton for all of 20 minutes. Don't get me started on that.

Alexis gave me this brilliant idea for a summer alphabet. I made it to B and I skipped A...

I went loopy over my graze boxes! Who knew it could be so exciting to get random snacks through the post?

I made (and ate) A LOT of this salad. I'm happy that my local supermarket has decided to re-stock cavolo nero.

We hosted lots of BBQ's for our friends and the kids friends. I love them!

We headed to Brandon Hill to watch the scheduled mass ascent. Unfortunately the weather changed & it was cancelled, but we had a lovely early evening picnic anyway.

I tried my first bubble tea. I wasn't overly excited, but it turns out with fruit tea you have popping balls, and I went for chewy. Confused?

There were ice-creams. Lots and lots of ice-creams!

We visited our friends who were camping in South Devon. The beach was perfect for six kids with boundless energy!

Flo & Dex took to the waves.

I went to visit friends in London on Carnival weekend. This tube train was headed NW and was empty. On carnival?! Bizarre.

I had to do the tourist thing. The south bank is awesome these days, there is so much going on.

This is a ride. Seriously, why?

Bye Bye Summer 2013, you were great.


  1. Such lovely photos, looks like you had a really good summer!

    1. it was good! I'm now trying to prepare myself for months & months of white skies :( Urgh! Ah well, we have Halloween, Guy Fawkes & the Christmas build up to help us out!

